Re: permissions

Daniel Azuelos (
Tue, 17 May 1994 20:10:17 +0200 (MET DST)

Talking of standard fprobihitilssions at the file-system level:

| > /		rw,nosuid
| > /usr		ro
| > /var		rw,nosuid
| > /home		rw,nosuid
| > /tmp		rw,nosuid
| > /usr/local	ro
| excellent thinking. Does anyone have any problems with this philosophy?
| I noticed some systems around here with /sbin/su and /sbin/sulogin.
| These would be disabled if the above conditions were met.
| Is this a problem? Anything else break?

I'm personnally using this strategy since SunOS 3.5.2. I've been
using it for nearly 5 years now, without any problem.

I've never tried to install anything under /usr, for example, in
place of the standard /usr/local, I'd advise to use a /local.

With this method, tempering with standard binaries or installing
a setuid file couldn't be done without rebooting the system.

And long before Sun gave that possibility at the PROM level, there
are easy methods to make any reboot of a system very hard, even to
someone having a physical access to the keyboard.

dan                 ``Et pourtant ga tourne....''